Lördagsgodis - The Swedish Weekly Saturday Sweets Tradition


Lördagsgodis - The Swedish Weekly Saturday Sweets Tradition

Swedish Beloved Tradition Saturday Sweet Candies 

Swedish have always loved to eat candies, and it is very common to find a selection of small candies in almost every Swedish household.

While nowadays, it has become extremely famous in Swedish society to live and eat healthily. People are still craving the small sweet treats and made Saturday to be the cheat day of the week. 

If you have ever come to a Swedish supermarket, you may wonder that why all people look so good and healthy, considering the long shelves of candies, where you can make your own mix selection. 

Swedish people are disciplined and able to keep a balance of everything, so it is no wonder that Monday to Friday they are able to pass by those candies sections, waiting for the Saturday to go all in. 

Typical Swedish weekend starts with Fredagsmys, where people have a simple Taco dinner, followed by an evening on the sofa with snacks and movies. Then, the day later, Swedes visit either their local grocery stores or one of the special candy shops for those who fancy an even larger selection. 

Saturday cannot become happier for any child if you reward them with some sweets. So, take a quick look at our Sedish candies.

Lördagsgodis with many different candies

Origin of the Swedish Lördagsgodis

Lördagsgodis means "Saturday sweets", which is a famous term in Sweden that everyone has known as it is a traditional culture of stocking up on sweets at the weekend - Saturday.

This term became trendy in the 1950s until now when parents and educators have decided that small children ought to only eat sweet candies once per week on Saturdays. In this way, the issues regarding teeth and health problems will be controlled by both small children and adults while the good stuff is still possible to eat. As you see, Swedes follow the Lagom principle and are masters in making compromises.   

In general, Swedes like to eat more sugar than many other countries worldwide and each Swede roughly consumes about 16 kilograms of candy per year. Therefore, there is a wide range of different candies, with some consisting of less sugar, natural ingredients, made from plant seeds, dried fruits such as strawberries, bluberries, or nuts in order to suit also health-conscious consumers. 

The Swedish World of Sweets 

Nowadays, it seems that there is no end of possibilities that you can choose from. The larger supermarkets have expanded their selections of candies, and even in city locations, special candy stores have opened up providing hundreds of different candies. 

This means you will certainly find something for your particular taste be it the classical, colorful bonbons something with chocolates and nuts, or even following the latest health trends, being vegan, free from artificial colors and flavors.

Among all of those, the most popular are lakritz, marshmallows, bilar, small chocolates, the famous KEX choklad, or various Fazer candies, paired with the slightly more expensive offers including almonds or nuts covered by chocolate, or even sugar-free sweets such as raw balls.

Lördagsgodis - A tray with a lot of sweets

Find the best Swedish candies or chocolates for your weekly Saturday Sweets party on Skandinavianlife.eu